Our products are made out of natural solid wood. This means that the wood pieces, boards, posts could potentially crack, shrink, or bow in certain areas over time. We try to minimize this effect by sealing the wood, but it is impossible to guarantee this won’t happen as wood is an organic material and is influenced by the environment.

Cedar wood naturally resists rot and decay. The wood of a new shower is also sealed for extra protection from weather conditions.  After some time as the wood sealant starts fading away, you might need to slightly sand the surfaces with 150 grit sandpaper and reseal the wood with any outdoor wood or deck sealant of your choice.  

Relieve water pressure inside the shower system when shower is not in use. To do this, turn off water supply and open the shower valves (faucet). Water will drain out of the shower head and relieve the pressure.

To extend the life time of the shower and preserve its appearance, it is recommended to store it in a dry place (shed, garage, under the deck, etc.) when the shower is not in use for a long time.

(for cold climate zones)

Outdoor showers are susceptible to freeze damage just like water faucets and hose bibbs.

The best option to protect the outdoor shower from freezing and to preserve its appearance during the winter season is to store the shower indoors in a warm dry place. If not possible, you MUST winterize the shower to prevent it from freezing and bursting in the winter.

The unit(s) MUST be drained before air temperature drops below the freezing point. Watch for temperature drops below 0⁰C (32⁰F) in the fall and the spring time. The shower must be fully drained in these conditions at least several days before expected temperature drop.

To drain the shower:

  1. Disconnect the garden hose (s)
  2. Open faucets until water starts draining out of the pipes. Drain all water out of the pipes and the valves.
    Blow out remaining water from pipes with compressed air (shop vacuum, air blower, air compressor, etc.).
  3. Leave the faucet in open position for winter
  4. If the shower is left outdoors for the winter, it is also recommended to wrap the entire shower with a tarp after draining all water out of the pipes and the valve for the entire winter season.